
Core competencies and values

The 网赌上分平台 offers students an immersive, transformative educational experience that, 几代人, has proven to prepare graduates to excel in the careers of the future. 最终, 是激情, 聪明才智, 以及我们全体教员的动力, 工作人员, and administration who embody – and fulfill – this promise.

作为 战略计划, a University-wide committee identified seven employee Core Competencies that support the University’s 使命及价值观; measure the successful and effective performance of all employees of the 网赌上分平台; and guide the evaluation and performance management process and goal-setting activities.

Our employee Core Competencies are integral to building a great workplace that attracts, 培养, 留住人才, enabling us to achieve the critical “people first” goals and objectives outlines in our 战略计划.

多样性 & 包容/Values Differences

Man年龄 and/or treats all kinds of people in an equal fashion; deals fairly and effectively with all races, 民族, 文化, 能力, 年龄, 性别, and sexual orientation; equal and fair treatment for all; see and appreciate the importance of diversity and inclusion.


Conveys information clearly and succinctly through writing, speaking and social/technology platforms; articulates thoughts and expresses ideas effectively using oral, 写, visual and non-verbal communication skills; possesses and uses listening skills to gain understanding.


Dedicated to meeting expectations of internal and external customers, acting with customer in mind. Develops deep understanding of customer needs and advances the University's reputation for excellence. Gains customer trust and respect; solicits and follows up on feedback.

解决问题 & 持续改进

Looks deep into solutions; seeks out information; in a short time does analysis; looks beyond the first answer for effective solutions. Aligns processes with organizational priorities and can design and implement workflows that move work forward through resources. Can establish appropriate metrics for measurement, creates synergies and integrations where necessary, and can simplify processes and maximize resource allocations.

Development of Self and Others

A person who is a people builder of themselves and others; provides and takes challenging assignments/tasks; pushes self and others to acquire knowledge for individual and organizational growth. Is self-aware of individual strengths and development opportunities and seeks insights for balanced performance and career conversations to design development plans. Holds development conversations with direct reports and manager; seeks out training and development opportunities for self and others.

信任 & 完整性

Demonstrates high ethical standards and behaviors and is widely trusted and is sought after for his/her opinion and advice. Does not misrepresent self; admits mistakes; take ownership of work; delivers on time, quality solutions while meeting most goals; known to be dependable.

招聘和人员配置 (经理)

Recruits the best people from inside or out of the organization; not afraid to get strong people; seeks out effective 工作人员ing models in both structure and size of 工作人员. Understands organizational strategies, 工作结构, what it takes to be successful in roles and can translate that in selecting the right talent for the organization.