理学硕士 人力资源

人力资源是企业竞争优势的主要来源. The most successful leaders in the field balance their passion for business with compassion for people. 我们的课程帮助职场人士达到这种平衡, 因为他们学习了高级技能,从而获得了更快的职业发展.


接任微软首席执行官后, Satya Nadella said: “We must all stop trying to become a ‘know-it-all’ 和 aim to be a “learn-it-all 文化.”

Professionals who aspire to higher-level human resource leadership roles need to take that advice to heart. Those willing to engage in advanced 教育 in this dynamic field will learn far more than they could by simply working within their current positions in HRM.

With the advanced knowledge gained through a master’s degree come major benefits: heightened respect for your perspective, 在组织内部产生更大的影响, 和, 当然, 比只有学士学位的人薪水更高.

我们的米.S. 在人力资源课程是一个先进的专业学习经验, designed to enable working professionals to rise to challenging 和 complex workplace situations in human resources 和 talent management.


  • 招聘和选拔(人才获取和人员配置)
  • 薪酬及福利
  • 绩效激励与管理
  • 员工关系
  • 留存率和流动率
  • 劳动力分析和组织设计
  • 领导和管理变革
  • 培训、学习、发展(人才发展)
  • 战略人力资源的思考、规划和影响

我们的M的职业发展特点.S. 程序

Here are the 程序 advantages that will amp up your professional expertise 和 marketability:

  • 更深入的人力资源知识和技能需要成为一个有效的领导者
  • 关注当今所需的新能力和技能:提高员工敬业度, 创新, 全球化, 多样性和包容性, 企业社会责任, 战略领导
  • 在“战略讨论桌上”进行高影响力的练习,” so that you will become experienced in actively contributing instead of passively observing
  • The building of strategic thinking skills required for leadership roles 和 which are essential in achieving the end goals of a firm’s competitive strategy
  • 较强的口头和书面沟通能力


我们的米.S. 人力资源硕士课程为有抱负的领导者提供了三个专注领域:

  • 人才管理. You will create plans to recruit, 雇佣, train, retain, 和 激励 a diverse 和 global workforce.
  • 组织的领导. You will develop advanced interaction skills in working effectively with others as well the change management skills that will make you an influential leader.
  • 员工关系(stem认证). You will use 和 apply 冲突 intervention 和 negotiation strategies in the management 和 resolution of workplace disputes.

“Gone are the simplistic notions that 人力资源 is there to just manage employee relations — that is, 让员工开心,管理工资. 组织在非常复杂的环境中竞争. 一些成功. 有些则不然. The different human resource management approaches chosen need to fit 和 reinforce the organization’s business strategies.”
协调员,米.S. 人力资源计划


You'll combine broad knowledge 和 skills in business administration with an additional focus on human resources.


+ 阅读更多


The information below is designed to show the many possible careers you could pursue with your major. 该研究由Encoura提供, 领先的研究和咨询公司专注于高等教育. 它包括全国工资中位数和未来十年的行业增长预测. 点击此处查看报告全文.











Get an inside look at what differentiates the 网赌上分平台 和 how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.


All 网赌上分平台 学生 have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills 和 connections to identify a meaningful career 和 an opportunity to pursue your passion.

  • 人力资源管理

    Build your know-how 和 skills around HR processes 和 cutting-edge practices to be a leader in the management of human resources in your organization. 学习如何将企业战略与人才战略联系起来, 进行劳动力计划, 设计有效的人才招聘, 并在培训之余选拔顶尖人才, 补偿, 保留, 人力资源技术, 以及人力资源的当代问题.

  • 业务分析

    分析是当今商业的新“潮流”. 越来越多的人期望人力资源领导者具备商业分析的基础知识. 本课程回顾统计概念, 重点是现实世界的数据分析和可视化, 描述性统计, 回归, 数据透视表, 以及其他Excel和R编程分析工具.

  • 薪酬管理

    所有的组织都需要吸引, 雇佣, 激励, 留住优秀的人才——无论是个人还是团队. HR leaders are on the frontlines in the design 和 management of attractive 补偿 (wages, 基本工资, 激励, 总回报, 等.)和福利(医疗保险、个人休假、退休、EAP等).). 了解对人才管理和竞争优势至关重要的计划.

  • 工作场所的多元文化问题

    Learn about this rapidly developing field of HR practice — diversity in the workplace 和 the impact of changing workforce demographics (race, 种族, 宗教, 性取向, 文化, 教育, 等.)有关组织目前及未来的生产力及竞争力. Learn about the various forms of bias 和 methods for overcoming negative impact as well as the implementation of diversity 程序s.

  • 就业法

    HR leaders need to develop an underst和ing of the various state 和 federal statutes governing the employment relationship. 本课程学习的主题包括:工作场所的歧视, 残疾问题, 性骚扰指控的调查, 工作场所安全和健康合规, 员工隐私问题, 员工解雇和纪律处分程序, 以及雇员权利的本质.

  • 组织行为

    HR leaders can have enormous impact on their organizations with deep knowledge from 研究 on the psychology of individuals, 小组/团队, 组织结构, 和文化. 本课程涵盖组织的心理层面, 包括员工态度, 个性, 动机, 团队动力, 订婚, 工作设计, 激励, 领导者的行为, 人际沟通, 影响, 冲突, 更改/ OD, 组织转型.

  • 战略人力资源管理顶点

    考生完成M.S. 人力资源学士学位将完成一个独立的项目来展示他们的概念, 分析, 研究, 以及实用的人力资源管理技能. This capstone project — usually focused on their own work organization — is a rigorous experience resulting in both a practical report/plan 和 oral presentation that demonstrates the student’s ability to synthesize 和 use the skills 和 knowledge gained in previous courses in the M.S. 人力资源计划.

  • 领导能力及团队建设

    领导的本质是能够影响下属. 但如何? You’ll learn the impact of key approaches 和 研究 findings relevant to leadership 和 team building in organizations. 在本课程中, 领导者和团队在组织中的角色是有经验的, 分析了成功领导和团队建设所需的知识和技能, 对你的领导能力和团队建设能力进行评估.

  • 领导组织战略与变革

    组织必须创新、变革,否则就会消亡. 人力资源扮演着领导角色,并借鉴了商业战略之间的交集, 组织的领导, 组织变革. 建立在商业战略的基础上, 人力资源管理, 组织发展, 和领导能力, 这门高级课程从企业高管的角度吸引学习者.

  • 解决冲突的心理学

    HR professionals 和 leaders are looked upon to help mediate 和 resolve inevitable interpersonal 冲突 in their organizations. 你将学习如何建设性地管理个人冲突, 集团, 组织层面. 研究 on the origin of 冲突, as well as various 冲突 resolution models, will be examined. 你会体会到沟通的作用, 情绪, 权力, 身份, 建设性解决冲突的文化可以带来富有成效的结果.

  • 完整的节目列表

    The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational 教育al experience for our 学生. 要查看您在攻读硕士学位时将学习的课程的完整列表.S. 在人力资源部门,查看学术目录:



课程以多种模式提供:许多是面对面的课程, 有些是混合型(部分面对面), 在线部分), 还有一些是完全在线的. 不管是哪种交付方式, you will interact 和 connect with faculty 和 class peers in challenging 和 engaged dialogue. 这将带来更深入的学习,并帮助你在人力资源领域脱颖而出.


我们的教师是各自领域的领导者和创新者, 将深厚的专业经验和学术严谨带到课堂上.



AACSB accreditation means that our 庞培商学院 has passed a rigorous set of st和ards. 教师, 学生, 程序s 和 研究 have been closely examined 和 judged to be of exceptionally high st和ards.


